This was taken at Rocky's first soccer game! It was so cool / weird to bring him back to South Field, a place that holds SO many memories for me. All of the many hours in games I played in- games won & games lost. The times I played and saw my huge crush, danny standing by the fence with his friends. The goals I scored, the ones I missed. Getting beat up by a crazy New Mexican. The night Danny asked me to marry him (!!) in the middle of the field with a candle lit dinner. The lifelong friends I made. My senior night, walking out on the field with my supportive parents and my loving husband. The PK I made that sent us to the sweet 16. And then bringing my BABY back. Gosh, what amazing memories. Danny and I secretly hope he loves soccer. We may or may not have started talking training plan and when I'm gonna start teaching him the basics. Who knows... maybe one day we will be cheering on little Rocky on this same field!
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