my dad got early christmas presents for the boys and took them to the world series game 4! literally, these guys were in heaven. with the giants winning, i don't know if their day could have gotten any better. when i saw danny after the game, it was like i was meeting a kid version of him on christmas morning. PURE BLISS. he was so giddy and so happy that he was able to be at that game. thanks dad! and i can't really complain because i got another trip home out of it!
we went to the cal - oregon game at the new levi stadium. that place is unreal! and i got to spend some time with two of my best friends in the whole world! whenever i see them, it's like we were never apart. and it was funny to see them obsess over the little tummy i'm growing. our little babe loves them already! we were able to go to my favorite donut shop growing up. one bite of that maple bar brought back so many memories! for years, friends and i would roller blade there saturday mornings and get donuts and apple juice. heaven for a 12 year old (and 23 year old). we watched my little brother and his team win their football game in the last few seconds. i love that little stud. on saturday, while the boys were out doing baseball stuff, us girls (and baby collin) got to have a girls day. it was filled with shopping, nails, pizza, and ice cream. also a fun night of trunk or treat with sulley and mike wazowski. aren't they the cutest?! i was so happy i was home for the annual pumpkin carving! it's my favorite when i don't miss out on my childhood family traditions! the weekend was so crazy, so busy, but so absolutely perfect.
i want to take a second and say how much i love being an aunt. i know these posts about home are just filled with pictures of bailey and collin, but they make me so so happy. my sister and i have always been very close (although we had our fair share of fighting over clothes in high school). because we are so close, when she had bailey, i felt like she was kind of mine too. yeah- im that crazy obsessive aunt. it's insane how much i care about these two little people. i can't even fathom the love that i will have for this little nugget inside me. one reason i am so excited to be a mom is because becoming an aunt has been one of the best things that has happened to me. the joy that comes from playing with these kids is kind of indescribable. they just make my heart smile. thank you christy and dan for having the funnest babies around town! i can't wait for our little one to meet them.