WARNING: if you don't like pictures of the cutest 2 year old and newborn, dreamy weather, good food, cool people, plus overall happiness.. do not scroll any further.
oh the payne home- never fails me. always a good time visiting family and soaking up that california weather. while we were there it was... my 23rd birthday, Bailey girl's 2nd birthday, and Mother's Day. each day we were there it was a party! but seriously. so much celebration and joy. between doughnuts for breakfast, hours in the pool / hottub, fondue dinner, presents, sweet cream waffles, the driving range, cheesecake on the plane, lots of time on a trampoline, yummy barbecue dinner, weber family photos, lots of basketball, and playing dress up.. the only free time i had was occupied with a 2 week old baby in my arms. little collin- is he not the cutest? i literally could stare at that face for hours. hoouurrrss. we also got to talk to my missionary brother- who has 7 weeks left. AHH! words can't describe how stoked i am to pick up that guy at the airport. his little mexican accent and all. so pretty much the take away message from this trip is that i am obsessed with my family. and i also kind of love being an aunt. PEACE AND BLESSINGS.
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