want to go to Hawaii?

posted on: Monday, December 1, 2014

we lucked out. big time. danny's boss texted him saturday night and asked if we wanted to go to hawaii on thursday. for free. wait what? who does that? it was crazy. of course we said yes- how could you pass that up? it was a dream of a vacation. not worrying about any expenses takes a huge load off our semi-newly wed selfs. here are some pictures from our spur of the moment adventure. 

(26 weeks now.. starting to feel -and look- real life pregnant over here)

you guys. we went whale watching. i have always wanted to do this. (i may or may not watch whale youtube videos when im bored). it was so cool! it was the very beginning of whale season but we saw six. SIX. i got so giddy every time one popped out of the water. 

on all of our tropical vacations, we hunt for one chair in the sun, and one in the shade. danny's heaven is sitting under the shade, with a towel on his legs, eating a burger and playing games on his phone. i'm a fan of the sun. oh and lava flows.

we decided if you could take a scoup of a cloud and pour flavor on it- this is what it would taste like. this place in lahina has the softest melt-in-your-mouth shaved ice.

a few times on this trip i made D go to the beach with me so i could lay on my stomach. he had the idea to dig a hole in the sand to fit my belly. i missed laying on my stomach! seriously don't take it for granted! 

we might have had a lot of lava flows. they are just too good. 

i don't even know how to say thank you for for a trip like this. it was so relaxing and so fun to have a "babymoon" before we have our little guy tagging along everywhere. (although i cant wait to travel and show him the world). i feel so blessed to live this life and am so thankful for all of my loved ones. happy thanksgiving!


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