OH BABY - 17 weeks

posted on: Friday, September 26, 2014

i feel it is about time to post a little something about our biggest news of all. our baby. yes yes we are pregnant!!! yes yes it was planned (not sure how it's socially acceptable for people to ask me that question??). although it did happen a lot quicker than we were expecting! this baby didn't want to wait any longer! crazy but we wouldn't have it any other way.

i found out a few minutes before danny got home from work one day. i was shaking and those 3 minutes felt like hours. he walked in and just pure shock on my face, i showed him the pee stick (gross?). it read a big fat +. i had instant tears and we were just in shock. but so so happy. it was the moment when our lives changed- yet everything was still the same. so hard to explain but such a special time for us. we kept it a secret for a few weeks until it was perfect timing to tell our families. we told the Holmoe's with a decorated cake and we told my family around the fire pit in Hawaii. i will never forget the happiness that i felt sharing our big news with our loved ones. i love the reaction my best friends had. they made me feel so special. you know who you are! our little babe will have the best aunties around. this little nugget is already so loved.

it has been so crazy for us to fathom that we are bringing another life into this world. one that will have it's own personality, fears, passions, talents, and hardships. is it bad that the thought of our baby growing up and moving away already stresses me out? haha i have issues. but we are pumped! i'm not sure if anyone is ever ready for this step in life. but we can't wait to meet this little angel (well we can definitely wait until beginning of March- keep growing pumpkin). this week our baby is about the size of my palm (about the size of the apple below). weighs about 5 ounces. also this week- our baby will develop fingerprints! those tiny fingers will have individual swirls and creases. crazy huh?

as far as the pregnancy so far.. pretty good! i have heard horror stories of sick pregnant women so i can't really complain with how it has been so far. cravings? salt! seriously anything salty ill take it. nothing really in particular- pickles, beef jerky, mustard, salami, etc. i guess it's better than donuts and chocolate and things that will make me chubbier than i already feel! most annoying part so far? having to pee constantly. i guess waking me up in the middle of the night is God's way of training me to be a mom.

and what's a baby blog post without an awkward mirror baby bump pic right? gotta document it. this is at 14 and 17 weeks. starting to pop out! that's all i got so far. stay tuned for the gender of this human inside of me! ANY GUESSES??

and i mean.. can you believe we are going to be mommy and daddy?

is this real life?



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